Button Customization

Get ID of Saved Record in Button Click Handler

This customization shows how to handle OnClick event for a newly added custom button in a page.
Record Control Class
Select a table control
Table Name
Select the database table.
Primary Key Field
Select a auto-increment field or uniqueidentifier field
Button Control
Select the Save button on the page
Applies to
P_Button Control class
///  This is the Event handler for Save Button. When the user clicks on the save button, The example saves the primary key
///  in a temporary ID variable, allowing you to add custom code that uses this variable. 
 public override void ${Button Control}_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs args)

        // Please remove the above code: SaveButton_Click_Base(sender, args) for this customization to run successfully.
        // Set shouldRedirect to true
        bool shouldRedirect = true;

        // Start Transaction and save Order record control data
            // Start Transaction and save data
			// Get the record control.
		    ${Table Name}Record rec= this.${Record Control Class}.GetRecord();
			// Retrieve the primary key and do more code customization like passing the retrieved value to another page, stored procedure and so on.
			String tempId = rec.${Primary Key Field}.ToString();
			//  For example, redirect to another page by passing the saved record's ID
			this.Page.Response.Redirect("../OtherPages/SomeOtherPage.aspx&ID=" + tempId );
        catch (Exception ex) 
            shouldRedirect = false;
			// If there is an Exception then display an alert message
			BaseClasses.Utils.MiscUtils.RegisterJScriptAlert(this, "BUTTON_CLICK_MESSAGE", ex.Message);                
        // If shouldRedirect then save controls to session and redirect    
        if (shouldRedirect) 
            this.ShouldSaveControlsToSession = true;

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